I couldn't wait to return home! This feeling rarely occurs when I take a trip. I travel frequently for work and leisure, and embarked on an epic 14-day trip with my boyfriend - it was our first trip together. 🎲

The scenarios we encountered while traveling started to highlight our differences and I kept thinking, I wish I would have known. 😶

I wish I could have tested our travel compatibility before we took the trip! By simulating scenarios in advance, I could have known how he would approach or react in certain experiences and how I would respond alongside him! 🔮

This experience proved that traveling together is fun until it's not. 

FLIGHT RISK™ is my commitment to helping people avoid the mistake I made... 🤦‍♀️ traveling with someone I was not compatible to take a trip with!  

The game is designed to be played with friends or strangers and I hope all who play feel inspired to book a trip with old or new friends.

I'm glad you've chosen to join me on this trip and I look forward to traveling with you... only if you have TSA Pre-Check! 😉

✈️ Bree